The Problem:

When an organisation requires migration from one MDM solution to another, possibly due to product changes, environment consolidation or moving to a SaaS instance, there’s really nothing out there that could help, until now….

Within large organisations, a number of business units/geo locations may have purchased their own MDM solutions. Consolidating these solutions/migrating to one, provides a much better unified instance with a full overview of all devices managed by Workspace ONE. In the past this would involve manually un-enrolling every device by hand and re-enrolling into a new instance. You can image how time consuming this is, not to mention costly for large organisations.

In comes Exodus. A solution bought to you by H2G lab.

The Solution:

Have a look through their website here:

Exodus is a solution to stream-line migrations from one MDM instance to another.

They current support Android, iOS, macOS, including iOS DEP and Android Enterprise.

They have an extensive amount of demonstration videos that layout exactly what they do and how they do it. Get viewing!

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