So, you’ve enabled Workspace ONE for your organisation, you’re on your way to End User Nirvana. Theres just one thing in your way, the Username and Password field! Workspace ONE is great at becoming a one stop shop for all Web, Native and Virtual Applications, leaving your users with just one password to remember. But… what if that could be a thing of the past! On a Workspace ONE Managed Device (macOS or Windows 10), your users can simply open their Browser of Choice (except Firefox, we’ll cover that later), et voilà . Logged in without a second thought.
A Certificate Authority configured within Workspace ONE UEM to issue user certificates
macOS – Chrome
To enable the selection of the User certificate within Chrome, we need to configure the AutoSelectCertificateForUrls policy. This can be achieved with the below Custom XML. Points to change:
pattern: the CAS URL for your Identity Manager tenant. In this example, its
filter: The ISSUER: should be the Issuer name of your CA. Something like “Company Issuing CA“.
Solutions Engineer @ Okta. Former SE at VMware for Workspace ONE. All things Identity, MDM and Mac. Occasionally takes photos of Bands at, and blogs at